Department of the Environment,
Transport and the Regions

South East and East of England Regional Air Service Study:
Terms of Reference

1. The aims of the South East and East of England Regional Air Services Study (SERAS) are common to the equivalent studies into airports and air service provision in other UK regions which it is designed to complement, namely:

2. Where the South East and East of England Study is likely to differ from the other regional studies is in its scale and complexity; this reflects the size of the region and the scale of the demand it generates, the diversity and status of the airports it contains, and the range of air services which are available. Given the capacity constraints which already exist at some of the regions' airports, it will also need to look in greater detail at options for runway and terminal capacity enhancement, together with options for new airports and for no further development and the management of demand. This means the South East and East of England Study will therefore be by far the largest of the Regional Air Studies and consequently will require a different approach to managing and procuring the work. The study will therefore need to be taken forward as a series of work streams brought together in a comprehensive appraisal of a wide range of options the outcome of which will provide the basis for subsequent public consultation.

3. The work streams should:

4. As with the other Regional Air Service Studies, this study will be undertaken by a combination of in-house resources, consultants appointed and reporting to DETR and contributions from key consultees. DETR will manage the work in close consultation with the Government Offices for London, the South East, and the East of England. The study will be overseen by a Government Inter-departmental Steering Group and an External Reference Group whose membership will encompass a wide range of aviation, passenger, regional, local and environmental interests. In addition a number of sub-groups will be established to enable external interests to be kept appraised of and contribute to the different work streams. In line with the inclusive approach required of the study, consultation will be structured but wide-ranging, drawing on the successful techniques adopted during the other regional studies.

5. In undertaking the study it will also be necessary:

Published 8 February 2000
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